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Cascata Lequarci - Ulassai

On an island of ancient volcanoes, Montiferru was the largest. Today it is an immense basalt plateau furrowed by rushing waters, which on the border between Bonarcado and Santu ...

Cascata Piscina Irgas - Villacidro

It’s hard to say which is more thrilling: the trail to reach it or actually seeing it once you get there. What is sure, however, is that to ‘conquer’ it you’ll enjoy an experience you’ll not soon forget. Piscina Irgas is one of three majestic...

Cascata - su Muru Mannu - monte Linas - Villacirdo_Gonnosfanadiga

The monte Linas massif provides for endless exploration of ever-changing natural environments: high peaks, deep gorges, woods, Mediterranean brush, streams and waterfalls. One of these, the Muru Mannu cascade...

rio Pitrisconi - S.Teodoro

Entering the ‘heart’ of Mt. Nieddu is a non-stop nature discovery tour: wild mouflons, foxes and wild boar roam in their habitat and the golden eagle nests here, and you’ll never know when one will appear circling in the skies high above you...

Su Nuraxi 'e Pauli - Seulo

It has always been surrounded by an air of legend, while its position, structure and closeness to similar fortresses suggest that it was a ‘lookout nuraghe’, part of a territorial control system. Su Nuraxi e Pauli ...

Piscine naturali di Bau Mela - Villagrande Strisaili

Canyoning in Sardinia is a unique experience for admiring the scenic beauty of the island from privileged viewpoints: those of its breathtaking gorges, with...

Panoramica Flumendosa

At first sight, from afar, it looks like a shining gem, its sparkling water nestled between mountains that, together with the rocky outcrops, create spectacular contrasts of light and shade. Medio Flumendosa lake is the catch basin of the eponymous...

Badde Salighes - Bolotana

The name, the ‘Valley of Willows’, seems to suggest that the area was once rich in willows, which is not the case today. Beyond the origins of the name, Badde Salighes is a pearl of the Sardinian forest heritage. This enchanting locality in...

Parco Funtana Is Arinus - cascata su Craddaxioleddu - Nurallao

Near the Cignoni e Nieddu stop of the Trenino Verde the twisting course of the Sarcidano river takes its highest leap – a 20 metre drop and a true spectacle of nature, the su Craddaxioleddu waterfall...

Piaggia Poglina - Villanova Monteleone

'Poglina', that comes from poddine, meaning 'flour', like its fine, weightless sand; 'Corallo', meaning coral, because of the gleaming sandy stretch, 'della Speranza' meaning ‘of Hope', from the locality in which it is located that, in turn,...