A rare and perhaps unique granite arch next to a bank of rock shaped like a parallelepiped remain balanced on the narrow peak of an elevation, over 1300 metres high, and no one knows how. The two spectacular natural monuments are located in Punta sa Berritta, the highest peak - 1362 metres - of Monte Limbara, on the side that falls within the territory of Berchidda. From here and from the other peaks - Balistreri (1359 metres) and Bandiera (1345) -, which can be reached via marked trails, you can admire the enchanting landscape of the whole of Gallura. You’ll have a view stretching from the mountains of Aggius to the plateau of Tempio Pausania and, further in the distance, to Olbia, Golfo Aranci, the Costa Smeralda and the Maddalena Archipelago. On a clear day, you can also see the cliffs of Bonifacio.