A suggestive stretch of coast where the golden colours of the sand, brown of the rocks and blue of the sea blend, in a scenario that for almost three decades, between 1956 and 1983, has been a 'summer colony' for many children. Funtanazza, set among the stupendous Torre dei Corsari and Marina di Arbus, was the first and pioneering resort in the uncontaminated and wild (then more than ever) Costa Verde, in the territory of Arbus. From June to September the children of the miners of Ingurtosu and Montevecchio, about twenty kilometres away, spent their holidays in the 'Francesco Sartori' seaside colony, built by the company that managed the mining sites - as wished by CEO Rolandi - "as the reward of so many labours, so many sacrifices, so much darkness accumulated in the tunnels". You can reach it by taking the state road 126 through a world crystallized in time, made of abandoned mines and ghost villages. The nearest services are in Marina di Arbus, Torre dei Corsari and in the tourist village of Portu Maga.